Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hurtful Words

Last night, I went to serve in our monthly class outreach, and one person said some things that I felt were hurtful and a little insulting.   I don't even know if that person even knew the negative impact of his words. I've been processing it since then, and have been telling myself to just "get over it".  I have prayed about it to gain perspective; and I stand by what I was criticized about and don't feel that any changes are needed.

This just reminded me that leaders do need to have "thick skin"; because criticism is inevitable.  We cannot allow the Enemy to defeat us through the discouragement and hurt that can come with words.  It's also a reminder to watch what I say.   I need to be an encourager and motivator.   And, I have always valued good communication.  May I deal with criticism with grace - to stand up for what is right and to be able to filter out whatever is not constructive.  Scripture gives many examples of those who faced their opposition.

Also, I keep wondering why the words would affect me so much; and I thought of what I read about in the book Quiet.   Introverts are more sensitive to what we see and hear, so it affects us more deeply.  That's why I need to work harder to "get over it".  

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