Thursday, November 4, 2010

Come before Winter

"Make every effort to come before winter."  (2 Tim 4:21)

It's been awhile since I had previously gone through Chuck Swindoll's book "Come before Winter and Share My Hope".  I decided to use it as my next devotional, for I've always found Paul's last letter to Timothy to be particularly poignant, containing heartfelt words from a faithful minister of the gospel to one whom he loved like a son.

There were some things that were said in the Introduction to the book that really spoke to me, being very applicable at this time of my life:
  • "People...occasionally find themselves in depressing places of confinement or restraint, with no sense of purpose or direction.   I call such experiences the winter of our lives."  - I do feel like I'm going through a "winter" season.   Though I have much to be grateful for, and even have meaningful areas of ministry, I feel like I'm just "going through the motions"; almost as if I'm in hibernation, waiting for spring to come.
  • "No other season in life's annual cycle better represents reality as we attempt to live out what we claim to believe.  Just as a calendar cannot skip those bone-chilling months, we cannot escape the barren days!" - This is similar to the message through our studies on trials, that we should expect these as part of life.   I like the comment made in the book that winter can be endured with much greater success if we prepare for its arrival.
  • "Perseverance steadies our course.  Though days are bleak and time seems to stand deathly still as the darkness thickens, He stays near."  - This is a reminder and promise I need to hang onto.
  • "Finally, in grace, God's other hand pulls back winter's drape." - This is the HOPE that we have as believers.
In short, this is the message of the "Beauty for Ashes" series - we will inevitably face "winters" in our lives; but, we have the HOPE that this season will pass and there will be joy and renewal in "spring".

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