Monday, September 30, 2013

Learning and Growing

God has been teaching me and making me aware of some things lately.  Just yesterday, at church, my assistant pastor talked about being fearfully and wonderfully made; and that one of the most important uses of our minds is to know God.   Then, for Harvest America, I reviewed some of the talking points needed for counselors.  It was a blessing to see the whole event come together; and we were able to rejoice that a couple of people placed their faith in Christ or made recommitments.

Also, I've still been thinking about what it means to have God as our inheritance, for we are now part of the "royal priesthood".   Some of the things I've thought of, is that we have access to all of Who God Is.   He provides for us and sustains us, just as the inheritance of land would've done for the tribes of Israel.  Also, He is a treasure that we can "pass on" to others who become part of the Family of God.

Another thing that He has repeatedly spoken to me, is that I should find the Joy in Living.   It began with the Ecclesiastes study, and then, I read about it in "Unfinished", and saw it referenced in "The Trial" movie.  There have also been other references here and there.   It is something that I probably should work on; since, my attitude lately has more been towards wanting to be in the presence of the LORD, for "to die is gain".   Yet, I am still in God's presence here on earth, and while I am here, it makes sense to live joyfully.

Then, I've been thinking about what to write on COA for my church newsletter.  We've been serving now for over 3 years in this outreach; and it is neat to see that how God is at work.   The gospel message is clearly given and we have seen lives touched.  It is an opportunity for me to be "the hands and feet" of Christ to the homeless and needy in the community; and to be able to show His compassion and love to others.

7-Oct:  A good verse I came across as I was looking for Scripture to include in the newsletter article was "And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God."  (Hebrews 13:16, NLT)

31-Oct:  God seemed to be opening up views into singleness and marriage this past year with the dates, the book I just read, and awareness of the Boundless MarryWell site.  This Sunday's message at church is supposed to be on singleness, as my pastor has been going through a series on family and home.  Even today, I'm listening to a Focus on the Family broadcast on "Navigating Dating and the Single Life" with Lisa Anderson from Boundless.  She talked about many of the things that I have faced as well - feeling that as singles we are "no one's most important person".   We should also not be afraid to be intentional in desiring marriage; and because marriage is a reflection of God's character, it is under attack and we need to have a healthy perspective of marriage.  We are to remember that marriage formation starts while we are still single, learning to build and maintain relationships, gaining Biblical perspectives, etc.

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