Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mid-Year Thoughts

It's hard to believe, but it is mid-year already.  There are some changes in the air; I have some goals for the upcoming months; and I've been evaluating the future.  So, I thought I'd make note a few of the things that have surfaced:
  • I've been praying about and contemplating what my class should study after Luke, and the book that I'm leaning towards is 1 Kings or 1 Chronicles.   It's funny, that the two series will be quite "unrelated"; but, the reason that I'm drawn to the OT book on the Kings in Israel and Judah is because those stood out during my reading through the Bible for devotions this year.   It's been sad to see that there were no kings who were "good" throughout their reign.   Some started well, but ended badly; a few even started badly but ended better.  And for several, comparisons were made to David where they fell short.   Even though David sinned, he was always a "man after God's own heart", and would confess and repent of his failings.  But, many of the Kings in contrast would willfully do evil in the eyes of the LORD.  My hope is that as we study the Kings, that we will recognize the importance of remaining faithful to the end, and also that we will see the influence of leadership.
  • Since I've been focusing on "Loving God" this year, it occurred to me that a good follow-on focus for next year would be "Loving Others".   This will help me to grow in obedience to the two greatest commandments.
  • After about two years of talking about going with my friend on a cruise to Hawaii, it looks like this will finally happen.  The cruise is now booked, and I'm excited for this trip.  It would be great if God not only strengthened our bonds of friendship on this cruise and blessed our time of fellowshipping and sharing together; but, that He may work in other wondrous ways as well :-)   I'm looking forward to it all!
  • Lately, I've been motivated to spend more time reading in areas that will help me grow spiritually - books that have been piling up that I've wanted to read but haven't gotten around to; even devotional guides, etc.   I'm excited to be learning and growing through these.
  • I even already know what I want to use next year for devotions - Charles Stanley's devotional Bible with the Life Principles.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Luke 15

When accused of welcoming and eating with sinners, Jesus told some parables in response.  Through the parable of the one hundred sheep and the ten silver coins, He showed that "there will be...rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents".  
Continuing with that teaching, Jesus masterfully weaves together one of His most beloved and well-known parables, that of the Prodigal Son:
  • The picture of the Father who is gracious, compassionate, merciful, loving, and full of grace represents God; and is one that sets Christianity apart from any other religion.  There is none other who would generously allow his child to make his own choices, wait eagerly for his return, forgive readily, lavish upon graciously, and celebrate joyfully the repentant sinner.  
  • The younger son turned his life around when he came to his senses as he hit "rock bottom" after wastefully squandering all his wealth and finding himself in need while feeding pigs, considered to be the most unclean animals, and compounded with a famine in the country.  He humbly repented and confessed, and had his relationship with his Father restored
  • The older son, like the Pharisees, lived self-righteously and legalistically judging others; yet not recognizing their own need and missed out on the blessings of being in the Father's presence and the joyful celebration over a brother who "was dead and is alive again;..was lost and is found"
While the parables leaves us not knowing what the older son eventually does; history tells us that the religious leaders of the Jews eventually had Jesus crucified.  So, in the story of the parable, the younger son, when asked for his inheritance essentially couldn't wait for his father to be dead; but, he repented and returned.  While the older brother stayed and dutifully "slaved", he would be the one who really kills the father through his anger and rejection.

This passage reminds me that I need to have the compassion for lost sinners that God has.  The parable also illustrates why I must "be careful what I ask for" because God may just give it to me, even if it isn't the wisest choice.   But, I am also encouraged that God can use our darkest moments to turn around for good.

Friday, June 21, 2013


I feel like I got the push I needed to "bounce" out of the hole I was in.  I've really been enjoying this new experience of getting to know a person through just talking on the phone and emailing.  No matter how it turns out, I see this as an answer to prayer; and I know that I'm growing through this experience, in an area that has long been dormant.

Who knew that this is what it took?  I've gained some motivation and got caught up on some things that have been piling up, and  I'm seeking to make better use of my time.

As I was writing about the Wilderness series my pastor is preaching on, I realized that I no longer feel like I'm in that wilderness.  I am happy and am looking forward to the upcoming changes and growth.

24-Jun:  Meeting in person enables me to notice much more; and some of the things I may have picked up on through the phone just becomes more clear.  While this was clearly not the right person for me, I did gain some experience.   And what I learned most of all, that it was I who needed to see the treasure that God says that I am; and that as long as I believe that, then it does not matter whether anyone else sees it or not.

Surviving the Wilderness

In the beginning of May, my Pastor started a series on "Surviving the Wilderness".  Most everyone can related to lessons on survival and of times in the wilderness.   I know that when the series began, I felt like I was in the wilderness and would welcome survival tips.

  • The first lesson was on "Trust & Obey", which is the main message of the Book of Numbers which paints the pictures of EGYPT (slavery), EXODUS (redemption), CANAAN (spiritual promise and inheritance), and WILDERNESS (disobedience).  Hebrews 3:7-19 tells us that the wilderness experience was a sad story of people who should've trusted God but instead disobeyed.  Their journey, which should've only taken about 11 days, took 40 years because of their disobedience.  Yet, this is also a story of hope, for even when we are in the wilderness, God is there with us.
  • The next lesson was on "Following God's Lead" that He may provide guidance in unfamiliar terrain, which applies to our lives as well.   The OT is old concealed, and the NT is old revealed.  God guided through the pillar of cloud by day (protection against the sun) and fire by night (light in darkeness).  In the NT, when Jesus ascends, the "cloud hid Him"; and when the Holy Spirit comes, He is manifested as fire.  The cloud principles we can follow are:  surrender direction to God, seek guidance thru prayer, rely on Scripture, and expect step-by-step guidance even if we don't see the whole picture.
  • "Silver Trumpets" were used as signals in the wilderness, and are a picture of the Word of God.  His Word is like precious silver, calling us to attention and obedience and alerting us to danger.
  • In the wilderness, there is "Danger of Dissatisfaction - grumbling & complaining".   Complaining can be a sign of stubborn unbelief, just as the Israelites complained about Manna (which means, "what is it?") and even their blessing when quail was provided, and Moses about his burdens.  Instead, we should "Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain."  (Phil 2:14-6).  
23-Jun:  There was "Mutiny in the Camp" when  Miriam and Aaron started a rebellion through their complaints against Moses from the jealousy and hidden evil in their heart  (Numbers 12:1-16).   It is said that often those who complain about the way the ball bounces and is headed are usually the ones who dropped it.  Moses didn't try to defend himself, but let the Lord do it; and he did not quit, because leadership is a CALLING, not a "job".  So, Miriam was afflicted with leprosy, Aaron confessed, and there was healing when Moses interceded in prayer, showing his mercy.  Are we builders or wreckers?

30-Jun:  The Israelites failed their test of faith when they turned away from the Promised Land at Kadesh Barnea (Numbers 13:1-33).  Practically at the door to the promise, they simply had to claim it by faith; yet they relied on sight and listened to the majority report of the spies.

7-Jul:  Faith is at the core and foundation of how we are called to live.  Faith looks ahead with courage, but unbelief looks behind.  And, in heaven, our faith becomes sight.  But, we cannot have Faith without a TEST; and our faith is only as good as what it is founded upon.  In contrast, refusing to see the truth they have been witness to, the Israelites illustrated their unbelief through blaming and complaining in Numbers 14.  Yet Moses showed his humility and character by pleading and praying on behalf of His People, aligning with what he knows to be the Promises of God.   While God forgave, there were still consequences.
Also, just from something that was said during service, it occurred to me that there is a parallel between our use of spirituals gifts given to us and living according to our born-again nature.

14-Jul:  By Numbers 17, the Israelites still have not understood that Moses and Aaron where God's anointed leaders, and that rising up against them was really defiance against God.   So, they persisted in their grumbling, and God demonstrated to the entire nation through Aaron's dead stick that blossomed that Moses and Aaron where His chosen leaders who they were not to grumble against.  The blossoming dead stick was also a lasting sign of life pointing to the resurrection.  This along with the other items in the Ark of the Covenant represented Jesus as the bread of life (manna) and the New Covenant (contrasting the tablets of the Law).  On Calvary, "One man died IN sin, one man died TO sin, and on Man died FOR sin."

4-Aug:  In Numbers 20, during a difficult time, after the death of Miriam and the Israelites continued to grumble, Moses would fall facedown before the Lord.  God answered his prayers; but, Moses in angry response to the people struck the rock rather than speak to it for water.  As a result, God said, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”  This punishment was so harsh b/c (from 1 Corinth 10:1-6) the Rock represented Christ from which Living Water flows.

11-Aug:  In Numbers 21, the story of the snake on the pole lifted up in the wilderness was a picture of God's plan of salvation as stated in John 3:14-17

25-Aug:  From the story of Balaam and Balak in Numbers 22-24, we are to beware of misrepresentations of God, remember that God is not limited in the way He can speak to anyone at anytime, and not to fear those who might threaten us when God has promised to bless

1-Sep:  Looking at the lure of the false gods in Numbers 25, we are reminded of the need to commit ahead of time to do the right thing, not to underestimate the power of temptation, and to remember the costly consequences of sin.  "Morality is the line of demarcation btwn man acting as a disgusting animal or man becoming the noblest creature of all God's creation.  The lack of morality based on the character of God is the path to uncivilized moral mayhem."

8-Sep:  Numbers 35 is where God instituted Cities of Refuge, which are a picture of Christ.  We can run to Him, and find "refuge" from our sin.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day '13

It's not a surprise that this spiral image for Father's Day caught my eye.  It really was a BUSY Father's Day weekend.  Luckily, I had finished on Saturday the last minute work obligation that came up late Friday; because there's no way I would've been able to fit it on on Sunday. 

Grocery shopping and initial food prep on Saturday; then after church on Sunday, it was non-stop prep and cooking.  I was actually surprised at how much time the prep took.  For some reason, it seemed more than usual.  

My menu changed quite a few times, but following is what ended up being served for Father's Day dinner:
  • Kimchee - two kinds (fried fishcake and radish)
  • Mandarin Orange Salad - Surprisingly, this was actually a popular dish, but it was pretty good.  Just mixed mandarin oranges and red/green onion with mixed greens of arugula and spinach.  I made the dressing with the mandarin orange syrup, ginger infused olive oil, and blueberry vinegar
  • Fish Hotpot - This was the usual, fish, scallop balls, asparagus, mushroom, and tofu in chicken broth (served over brown rice)
  • Pan Fried Fish - This was the rest of the fish that wasn't used for the hot pot; just simply pan fried with salt, pepper, green onion, ginger, and garlic.   It was actually tasty, and the fish fillets were in nice sized chunks.  Of the types of fish I can buy at the supermarket for this, I like Alaskan Polluck the most, because of it's thickness and consistency.   The Tilapia and Swai seem to be thinner and less flaky; and Salmon isn't as good for pan frying - better for baking or broiling.
  • Korean Ribs - This was considered one of the best dishes, just simply pan fried the marinated beef ribs
  • Beef w/Vegetable Stew - Used some of the Korean Ribs, and boiled with potatoes, bok choy, button mushrooms, and carrots.   This was not such a popular dish; but, turned out as expected for a stew
  • Snow Peas w/Chicken - Mainly had the shredded chicken from the roasted rotiserrie chicken, where the bones were used for the broth.   Marinated the chicken with an Island Soyaki sauce; and mixed with stir-fried snow peas.  I didn't particularly liked the way it turned out; but, at least one person liked the dish
  • Ginger Cilantro Lime Cucumbers - This was much better with the small fresh cucumbers.  With the larger ones, the flavors didn't come out as well.
  • Dessert - The pastries were a hit, one bavarian creme and the other a strawberry cheese danish.  Just heated them up, and served with ice cream.   A friend also brought strawberry and apple mixed with the plum powder.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Something in the Air

There seems to be "something in the air" lately, maybe related to Spring.   Some of my friends have begun to "sniff" at relationships; and some of come to talk to me about them.   Funny, from personal experience, I'm not expert; but, I suppose I have learned much from years of listening to speakers, reading books, etc. on related topics.

I have given different advice depending on the circumstance.  For one, I suggested being more like Ruth.  For another I suggested something analogous to fasting -  that when the urge to expend mental and emotional energy on analysis, remembering, or wondering arises, substitute it with prayer.  And for those who want to be prepared, the suggestion of course, is to follow the Proverbs 31 model.

As a result of another conversation, there were talks of setting up a blind date.  It's funny that this seems to be popping up in many different ways with different people under different circumstances.

Yesterday, I also accompanied a friend to her church singles fellowship.  It reminded me of why I stopped going to singles fellowships.  I find that the typical person who goes seems older, had previously been married, has kids, etc.  And, in this particular fellowship, I even questioned some things that were being said during the Bible Study.  But, the positive things I can say about this fellowship is that the Pastor and his wife made an effort to spend time talking to us being new visitors; and they seemed to be nice.  Also, the atmosphere was generally comfortable.

30-Aug update:  There really must've been something in the air.   There have been discussions with a family member on relationship challenges.   And, on the flip side, I have another blind date coming up.  We had a really good conversation on the phone and I'm looking forward to meeting in person.  It is all in God's Hands.

3-Sep update:  We met 31-Aug, and I think it all went well (almost "textbook").   Yet, I haven't heard from him since.  I do entrust it all to God; and am ready to accept whatever outcome He writes for me.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Luke 14

Jesus used every opportunity to teach, and in this passage, He taught several lessons at a Sabbath meal at the home of a prominent Pharisee:
  • He once again silenced the religious leaders by showing that it was not unlawful to show compassion and heal on the Sabbath.   They had turned something that was meant for rest and was set apart for God, into a day of burdens with all the extra rules and regulations.  Even sharing a meal with them was not a relaxing enjoyable time with other synagogue-goers; but rather one in which they "carefully watched" Him to find something to accuse.
  • He also taught them that "all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted"
  •  He reminded them to store up their treasures in heaven, where they "will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous"
  • He urged them, through a parable, to accept the invitation of the Messiah to the feast in the Kingdom, by not rejecting the One prophesied in the OT
 The religious leaders had many opportunities to see the Truth, humble themselves, and accept the gift of salvation.   But, most rejected all the teachings of Jesus.  It was clear, that towards the end of Christ's ministry, He focused on pointing them to the Kingdom and urging them to repent and believe.

When Jesus turned to the large crowds following Him, He taught them the cost of discipleship:
  • Love God as a priority
  • Die to self (carry cross and follow)
  • Surrender all
 And those who are disciples are not to lose their "saltiness" or effectiveness for God in this world.

Friday, June 7, 2013


It's like the alarm clock just rang, and I need to "wake up".   Seems like just yesterday that I "went to sleep" a young adult who just graduated from college prepared to face the world still full of hopes and dreams.   Now that I'm not "young" anymore, I see that what I may have envisioned for my future is somewhat different from reality.  

Like today, in one of my meetings, the organizer had to leave suddenly due to a fire drill in his building, and he asked me to take over running the meeting.  It caught me off guard somewhat, though I was able to handle it and the others seemed comfortable with my delegated authority.  It made me realize that whether I like it or not, I am considered a leader.  Though I may have felt like it just crept up on me, in reality, I've been in leadership roles most of my life.   I've just been what I call a "reluctant leader", and I've even written before on the quote that often, God is actually better able to use those who aren't expecting to be leaders, since they will seek to rely more upon HIM, rather than themselves.  I hope that it will always be true that I will rely upon HIM, and He will be able to use me effectively.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Packed Weekend

Sometimes, like this past weekend when it was packed with one thing after another, time just seems to spiral away.  Like on Sunday, I ran the projector, taught Sunday School, ate at the Dominican Republic missions trip fundraising lunch, went to the Baptism Service, attended a cello recital, and then went to a Birthday lunch.   And there were other things that I had turned down, due to conflicts in schedule.   However, in perspective, these are the things that life is made up of; and I'm grateful that I'm able to be part of them.