Thursday, August 9, 2012

Prayer 101

Our class just finished a series on Prayer (the What, Why, and How basics).   It is always good to go back and review foundational essentials, of which Prayer is one (Acts 2:42).  And we were challenged to memorize the key passages of the series (Acts 2:41-42; 2 Chron 7:14; Psalm 119:10; Luke 11:1). 

I was reminded that the closer our relationship with God, the more we would desire to communicate with Him in prayer; and we are to watch out for "prayer breakers" which affect not only our intimacy with Him but also our effectiveness in living our lives out for Him. 

There were some good acronyms: 
  • A.S.K. - Ask; Seek; Knock
  • A.C.T.S - Adoration:  "I am not..., only You are..."; Confession:  "I cannot..., only You can..."; Thanksgiving:  "I do not..., only You do..."; Supplication:  "I seek..., You have supplied...
  Also, some discussions on praying "In Jesus's Name" (John 14:12-14; John 15:15-16; and John 16:23-27).   We are now able to do so, because after His death and resurrection and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we now have the ability and access to pray to God directly in His Name.  To pray in Jesus's Name is about the attitude of the heart, not just the words - we are to glorify God, know what His Will is, and not seek our own self-interests.

It was also neat to see that people in class are able to think critically and ask good questions.  There were a few interesting ones that came up:
  • Related to Matt 6:12 "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" are verses 14-15 "For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions".  The question was that when Christ died on the cross, He paid the penalty for our sins; and when we placed our faith in HIM, our sins were forgiven.  So, what are v14-15 referring to?    These verses are not talking about our salvation; but, rather how we live out our Christian life.   Yes, when we placed our faith in HIM, we are saved, and righteousness is imputed to us.   However, we continue to have this conflict btwn the sin nature and the Spirit; so, while we are here on earth, we still fall to sin sometimes.   When we do not seek forgiveness and do not repent, it affects our intimacy w/God, our joy, and the fulness of our usefulness.  In the same way, these verses are saying that if we don't forgive others, that is considered a sin as well; and it will prevent us from living in the full joy of His forgiveness.
  • There was a question raised about how to reconcile Psalm 139:21-22 (hating those who hate God and are counted as enemies) vs Matthew 5:43-44 (loving our enemies).   I see this as related to Law vs Grace.  In the OT, it was emphasized that we are to hate evil and wickedness, and verses like those in Psalm 139 focused on the evildoing and unrighteousness; and what that deserved.  However, in the NT, we go beyond what is justifiably deserved through the Law and exhibit grace, which would be loving even the enemies (like walking the extra mile).  No matter what, though, the command has always been to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

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