Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vegas '11

It was so HOT in Vegas this weekend... but, I'm primarily talking about the weather.  It was above 100 degF most of the time, even at night.  

And, it felt like we spent most of our time either in the car driving, eating/looking for places to eat, or just waiting around for one thing or another.  I mainly went in order to spend time with my family; but, overall, with the time it takes to travel and the cost, I really would have preferred another destination.

The most disappointing aspect was to learn that some churches in the area seemed to no longer exist.  We tried several different ones, but ended up not finding any that we could attend on Sunday morning.  There was one that looked okay, but no one was around; and it was passed the service time when we found the other one (Calvary Chapel Las Vegas).

Parts of the weekend, we were also rained upon.   Yet, despite all this, there were some okay moments.  We visited the newer areas on the Strip near Aria - most of it was ultra modern and had a "club" feel.   I actually like the architecture of some of the earlier casinos more - like Caesar's or Venetian.  There was also plenty of shopping, with several outlets near by - although, there wasn't all that much on sale considering it was the 4th of July weekend.

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