Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Acts 6

These Acts chapters on Stephen and later Philip bridge the transition of Church ministry from Peter to Paul.  While Peter mainly reached the Jews in Jerusalem and Paul the Gentiles at the "ends of the earth", Stephen and Philip started reaching Hellenistic Jews and those in Judea and Samaria.

As we are introduced to Stephen in Acts 6, we learn that he was a man "known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom", was "full of faith and of the Holy Spirit", was "full of God's grace and power, [and] performed great wonders and signs among the people".   This shows that caring for the widows was considered an important role, for the Seven were carefully chosen and ordained (by God thru prayer, and by the apostles by the laying on of hands).  The Greek root in the word "deacon" is used in this passage, both in the word for the practical ministry of serving tables as well as for the spiritual ministry of teaching the word.

Also, we see that when Satan's attacks of outside persecution and internal sin did not work, Satan tried creating dissension between Hellenistic and Hebraic Jews within the church based on cultural influences.  And once again, the unity in the church, guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the apostles' leadership thwarted Satan's attack. 

There are several things about organization and leadership in the church that can be learned from this passage.  For one, it clearly shows that there is priority placed on prayer and teaching of the word for the apostles.  And by appointing the Seven, it shows me that teachers are not expected to "do it all".   Delegation of tasks is Biblical.  Furthermore, the emphasis in choosing leaders within the church with character and evidence of the Holy Spirit, shows me that those characteristics are more important than things like practical ability.   In discussions related to selection committee, it was said that as long as the leader chosen had the spiritual foundation, they would be able to serve effectively, and if practical ability is needed, they could always pull in other people to help, who have those skills.

Also, in this passage, we see that in the face of opposition and even false accusations and trial, Stephen is able to have peace and reflect the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life.

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