Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Acts 3

Peter healed "in the name of Jesus Christ" and then proceeded to use the opportunity to speak to the astonished crowd about WHO Christ is, with references to some of His names:  Servant, Holy and Righteous One, Author of Life, and Prophet.  Essentially, "it is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that ...completely heal[s]."  Once again, he urged the listeners to "Repent and turn to God."

It was interesting, that Peter's message seemed to flow logically and reasonably, right up to the point where he drew to a conclusion starting in vs 19 calling for repentance.   Then, in vs 20-26, it seemed, in his fervor to appeal to his audience to turn to God, he drew on whatever came to mind - reminder of the Second Coming and the devastating result of not following ("be completely cut off"), Christ's fulfillment of prophecy, the Covenant (Moses - Law, Abraham - blessing, Christ - grace), and God's promises and blessing if they turn from their "wicked ways".

We can learn much about presenting the message of salvation from Peter's example - his understanding of his audience, his knowledge of Scripture and of WHO Christ is, his clear message of how to be saved, always being ready to see opportunities and open doors, and pointing out personal responsibility for sin and the need for a Savior, because complete healing comes only through Christ.

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