Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend Sept'10

It was a full weekend.  Sept 11, 2001 is not only the commemoration of the tragic events of 9/11, it is also our Church's 9th anniversary.  We had an all-church picnic with about 400 attendees.  One of the elders and organizers mentioned that it was like a glimpse of heaven, believers gathered together in the family of God.

Then, for the evening, I celebrated my parent's anniversary and brother's birthday with my family.  We decided to order take out from Wood Ranch.  The tri-tip was really good; and I'll know to order the baby back ribs instead of the beef ones next time.   It was great that they were able to provide a box of sweet potato fries, and their rolls were great.  The black beans, cole slaw, broccoli, mashed potatoes, and WR fries were regular.  The pan-seared salmon with soy sauce and brown sugar was tastier than the hardwood-grilled trout.

On Sunday, we had the Community Group Leader kickoff luncheon, with a Hawaiian theme.  Along the lines of the song I blogged about last week, the title of a book mentioned really says a lot "If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat" by John Ortberg

In thinking of what to cook for the next COA outreach, I tried a new dish last night, and it turned out quite well.   It's a chicken with rice and vegetable stew.   I pan-seared the chicken with an herb rub, added vegetables (carrots and italian squash), covered with water to boil; and then added rice and cooked till done.  It was fairly easy, one-pot cooking; and had a lot of flavor.   Equal parts rice, meat, and vegetables work pretty well; and next time, it may make sense to add the it squash later, since it cooks faster than the other ingredients.   It reminded me a little of the dish that was made from the packages we put together for COTN - except, here we have real vegetables instead of dried beans.  I also just roasted zucchini; and cooked chicken in a pan with a hazelnut olive oil vinigraitte with herbs, onions, and garlic.  The reduction as the chicken cooked made a really nice lightly sweet marinade.  It's nice when dishes turn out well, and I do enjoy cooking.

Full weekends usually result in being even more tired than usual on Monday mornings; but, making memories and spending time with others are important parts of life.

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