Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ruth 1

As we begin the new Bible Study series in the Book of Ruth this week, I can already see how the context of Judges provides added background and insight that I did not have when I previously studied this very familiar story.  Just Elimelech's name, which means "my God is King", is somewhat of an irony, since he, similar to the tribe of Dan, left his inheritance and Promised territory to go to Moab, an enemy country, just to escape the famine, which was likely God's discipline for Israel's disobedience.  Indications are that he likely wasn't living as if God was truly his King.

However, it is a reflection of Who God is, to have such a beautiful story of hope, love, and REDEMPTION (mentioned 23 times in this short Book), in the midst of the darkness and moral depravity of that time period. 

One of the things that seems to come out clearly in the first chapter, is that our decisions and attitudes can have a significant effect on our lives.   Elimelech decides to take his family to Moab, and his sons end up marrying foreign Gentile Moabite women and they end up dying in Moab anyways, despite having "escaped" the famine.  Naomi seems to only see the bitterness, emptiness, affliction, and misfortune of her tragic circumstances.  But, Ruth, makes a decision that Naomi's people would be her people and GOD her God, which ultimately lead from TEARS of tragedy to TRIUMPH of becoming the ancestor of King David and of the Messiah, Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:5)

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