Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Who is on the Throne?

"In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit" (Judges 17:6; 21:25)

At the end of the Book of Judges, we are given examples of Israel no longer following God's Law; but, instead coming up with their own false religion by corrupting true faith, intermixing elements from true worship with pagan religious practices.  In so doing, they deceived themselves into thinking that they were still worshiping God and that He would still bless them.  But, in reality, what they were doing was making up their own religion to fit their own way.  Essentially, they put themselves on the throne and each person made himself king over his own life; instead of submitting to authority and ultimately God as the One True King. 

This is what we are seeing with all the false religions today; and even with those who have made up their own worldview as a selection from a smorgasbord of religious practices and views.  This is the danger of not knowing the TRUTH and falling into the deceptions of false religions.

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