Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Taken Deep Breaths

I've taken some deep breaths, soaked in the sites from the mountain top; and now, I'm ready to head down the mountain and face what life will throw me next. I am grateful that God has helped me through this "climb" and taught me some things in the process. It's a good feeling to know that I was able to overcome the challenges and still stay balanced. While it may be "downhill" from here, at this time, I am by no means just coasting down. There are still responsibilities. There are still little things that need to be taken care of. There is still a "to do" list that needs to be tackled. But, these are just part of normal life: leading Bible Studies, taking care of my health, being a friend, working, etc. I've also thought a lot about stewardship in the midst of these difficult economic times. I feel like I have a good and wise plan laid out now; and I do hope that I will be a good and faithful servant with all that God has placed into my care. Amen.

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