Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nehemiah 13 and Conclusion

This Sunday in class, we study the last chapter in Nehemiah, and draw to a conclusion yet another Bible Study series.   Looking back, it has really been a good study, in which many truths were reviewed or revealed.

In this last chapter, it is a reminder of how important it is to remain vigilant against the natural inclinations of our sinful nature.   Nehemiah had returned to serve King Artaxerxes, as agreed upon in chapter 1.  Yet, when came back to Jerusalem after some time, he found that the people of Israel had once again disobeyed in the very same areas that they had previously committed to in their renewed covenant:
  • Being set apart (no foreign alliances or marriages) - broken in vs 4-9 and 23-29
  • Giving Offerings (not neglecting the House of God) - broken in vs 10-14
  • Keeping the Sabbath holy (along w/Sabbath year and year of Jubilee) - broken in vs 15-22
This shows that we often fail in our same areas of weakness that we continually struggle with.  Those are the areas we need to especially protect.

In keeping with the godly leadership abilities he has shown all along, for each of these situations, Nehemiah rebuked those involved, particularly the leaders; took action to reform or correct; and PRAYED.  

Overall, to conclude, we have seen the Wall Restored (Chp 1-6) and the People/City Restored (Chp 7-13).  The following 4 P's summarize some of the key points in the whole series:
  • PRAYER - Throughout the book, Nehemiah was an example of a man of PRAYER, seeking God's will, confessing the sins of the nation, requesting help, or committing his actions to God.   And in Chp 9, the Levites led the people in an amazing PRAYER of confession and worship recounting Israel's history and the revealed attributes of God
  • PREPARATION - The PREPARATION that went into restoring the Wall (e.g surveying damage, obtaining materials, or organization of the rebuilding) and restoring the people (e.g. registering the people or reading God's Word) were effective in leading to the completion of the wall and revival among the people
  • PROBLEMS - Examples were given on how PROBLEMS (e.g. opposition from enemies, challenges, sin, or opression) were effectively dealt with
  • PASSION - Nehemiah was PASSIONATE about God's people and his calling to restore the city and the people.  Then, starting with the reading of God's Word, the Israelites' PASSION for God was renewed (e.g. revival, covenant, or dedication)

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