Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Free Grace?

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Salvation is absolutely by GRACE through FAITH, and it is a free gift of God.   Yet, as I've been faced more and more with this Free Grace doctrine being pushed by the "critics" in class, it is troubling that their difference in perspective causes so much dissension in the interpretation of Scripture.   This Free Grace perspective comes up in most passages, because it involves a differing viewpoint on salvation, sin, repentance, judgment, sanctification, discipleship, works, faith, etc, etc.   So, it is almost unavoidable that the critics would debate something in every single lesson.

They distinguish between those who can just ENTER the Kingdom through salvation vs those who INHERIT the Kingdom and are called as disciples. And, then they emphasize work-based rewards at the Bema seat of Christ.   To me, disciples might then be more motivated to work for the rewards; rather than just because of our love for Christ.

I have found that they will use the Greek and try to fit it to their interpretation; and when presented against a lay person, it can be intimidating.  However, while I do not have the Greek studies background, I have researched the writings of those who do; and I just need to stand firm and be confident in that.

While there are respected theologians on the Free Grace side; and they use their learning to back up their point of view; fundamentally, I think that doctrine makes light of the realities of sin and allows for a whole group of "believers" who are not living the Christian life the way God would want us to.   So, the way I see it, whether the Free Grace doctrine is correct or not; everyone in the traditional viewpoint would be considered saved, since we would be what they call "disciples"; but, if the Free Grace doctrine is found to be incorrect, then there will be a group of people who thought they were "believers" but actually are not; because in the traditional viewpoint, true saving faith is evidenced by works.

I just do not understand why they would not want every single believer to "work out their salvation" and to be lights in this world, allowing God to work in them through the sanctification process. Why "fight" for the viewpoint that a person can still continually live in rebellion, even if they are supposedly saved?   Why reduce "knowing Christ" to just an intellectual knowledge of Him, rather than a deep personal relationship?  Why ignore the realities of sin?   Why downplay the Great White Throne Judgment?

No, I don't want a watered-down faith.    I want one that is clearly evidenced by works, in which I will shine as a light in this dark world because I am living my life differently from the world. Since Christ paid so great a price on the cross for my sin, I do not want to continue living in sin nor would I want to promote a viewpoint that says it is fine for "believers" to live in sin and even become atheists.  As mentioned in some writings, this Free Grace perspective lends support to antinomianism.  However, as traditional reformists say, “We are justified by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone.”   I obey and worship Him because He is Lord and because He is Holy (sin is contrary to His nature and thus should be to me also, as a regenerated new creature in Christ).

2/28/13:  I am faced with having to "confront" my critics again this Sunday.  They have been talking to people in class, giving out books, and inviting people to a "Bible Study"; knowing that their theology is different from what is being taught in church.  As I've been thinking more about their theology, I wonder why they do not focus their time and energies instead on reaching unbelievers, rather than targeting people in church.  I also see their perspective as being analogous to saying that two people can say their wedding vows in front of God, and then just turn around and be unfaithful to their spouse and claim that it is still a marriage.   To me, that's what is would be like to place one's faith in Christ, and yet continue to live a life of sin and never acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

It has also been quite humbling, now that I think about it, that maybe they continue to come to my class because they view me as "easy prey" - that they may be able to sway me to their theological point of view and wreak havoc in my class because I look young and because of my gender.  I just pray for wisdom and that the Holy Spirit will fill me and give me the right words to say to them.

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