Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Encouraging Others

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear."  (Ephesians 4:29)

I blogged about "words" earlier this year; and as I thought about what area I needed to focus on most next year, "Encouraging Others" came to mind.  While I can include encouragement through deeds and actions secondarily; I will primarily focus on encouragement through words and communication; since this in itself is a big enough area to improve upon.

I've observed what a positive effect it can have on others when they receive words of appreciation or encouragement.   I know that for myself, having "words of encouragement" as my love language, it helps fill my tanks and meet a need.  Ephesians 4:29 is the perfect verse to reflect my theme for next year - it's a reminder to watch what I say, to focus on edifying others with my words and seeing their needs, and to ensure that my words "give grace".

There is so much in my life that negatively affects my ability to encourage others.  I am extremely shy, and when nervousness is added to that, my ability to communicate is greatly diminished.  I also did not grow up in a family whose cultural background includes encouraging others.  On the contrary, it is one that often uses criticism as motivation instead.  Even in general, communication was never one of my strengths.  I grew up being taught that it was better to listen than to speak; and for the most part am more comfortable just being quiet.  I am just now starting to purposefully try to communicate better and be more encouraging.

So, I really look forward to seeing what God will teach me in 2011 related to "Encouraging Others".  This truly is an area that I would benefit greatly growing and becoming better in.

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