Friday, May 14, 2010

Inside the Revolution

Last night, my community small group watched the first part of Joel Rosenberg's "Inside the Revolution" DVD.  We watched the sections on the first two of the three movements:  Radicals, Reformers, and Revivalists.

While only 7% of the world's Muslims would be considered Radical, that still translates to a large number of people.  So, that threat cannot be dismissed as insignificant, particularly when their view is that the West (i.e. the US and Israel) is the enemy and should be destroyed.  In an interview, Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, said that prevention is key when dealing with governments run by Radicals, because they, in contrast to those in other countries with nuclear power like Russia and China, are not constrained by normal cost-benefit considerations which can be negotiated and discussed.  I just pray for continued protection against radical terrorism.

The Reformers movement is more encouraging.  Countries like Turkey, and now Iraq, actually allow freedom of religion and worship.  While still largely Muslim, other religions are allowed to be practiced.  On the DVD, it said that the majority of the people in Iraq would not say that the presence of the US and Britain were problems, but, rather that they are grateful for the reduction of hostility and chaos which now allows for these reforms to progress.

In between these sections of the DVD, we had some group discussions which motivated me to become better "prepared to give an answer.... with gentleness and respect" for the next time similar points are brought up.  How does one lovingly and effectively communicate to a person who is more of an emotional feeler than a logical thinker, and already feels defensive and outnumbered?   While, I think that logical points presented with evidence would have come across as being argumentative and lacking feeling, I don't yet have an answer.

However, in terms of the apologetics areas to address:
  • The President - While our President is eloquent, charismatic, and witty; it cannot be ignored that he has done much that negatively affects my faith.  One primary example is all that he has done in support of abortion, the killing of innocent lives.
  • Politics - Never in Scripture does it say that politics should be separate from our faith.  In fact, God's design for government is that all authority is subject to Him; and that rulers are to know right from wrong; and to govern with laws based on God's absolute moral standards.   When Christians stay out of the political arena, a government without God will rule and legislate in such a way that it will still have effects on my beliefs (e.g. prayer, abortion, same-sex marriage, etc)
  • War - Without intending to defend the War in Iraq in particular, Ecclesiastes 3 does say that "there is a time for war and a time for peace".  In Judges 3:2, for those who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan, God allowed them to learn warfare through battle experience.  And, in vs10, the "Spirit of the LORD came upon [Othniel], so that he became Israel's judge and went to war."  And also, when Christ returns, he will have victory against the Antichrist in the final battle of Armageddon.  Thus, to say that Jesus, because He wants peace, would never allow war, would not be an accurate statement.
I, for one, have never been really interested in politics and would prefer not to have to deal with unpleasant and fearful topics like war and terrorism.   Unfortunately, with our society and culture today; and all that is happening around the world, we cannot just stay blissfully unaware.  We need to be in prayer, and at least be informed enough to know what to pray for.

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