Monday, August 3, 2009

Perspective on Ups and Downs

With the ups and downs, turns and loops in the rollercoaster of life, I've been praying for God's perspective. It's only when I can see through His eyes that I can truly face and make some sense of what I go through. This morning, God showed me the lyrics to Steven Curtis Chapman's new song "Heaven is the Face" from his "Beauty will Rise" project. These poignant lyrics were written through his personal tragedy at the loss of his daughter. I thank God for his ministry and pray that God will continue to strengthen, heal, and work in the lives of his family. Through this, I am reminded to trust God to be at work through times that are difficult and even tragic. I hope that through my "worst days", He will be able to teach me and use me and mold me. What a great image the phrase "beauty will rise" portrays. May I become more and more a reflection of the beauty of my Creator as I am refined. Sunday, he wasn't there. I struggled between disappointment, since I was so anticipating the interaction, and concern, since he was reportedly not there due to some sort of a family issue. Emotions can really take a person for a ride. But, I've been spending a lot of time in prayer, that God would be with him and his family through whatever they are going through at this time; and that I would have His perspective and to keep from taking too much of an emotional dip. I was also frustrated and de-motivated when I stepped on the scale this weekend and found that just between Saturday morning and Sunday morning, I had gained back all the weight I had worked so hard during the week to lose. I have no idea how it happened, since I still went running and did a lot of walking on Saturday; and didn't really eat all that much more than usual. But, I'm going to try to stay on track; and if I just have to drop the very same pounds I lost last week, so be it. I went to a farewell get-together for the previous music director at my church. I'm grateful that I am able to help with the support he is raising for his seminary education plans. May God be with him and his family as they make this major move. Fortunately, there were some "ups" this weekend also.... my class study on the fear of rejection in Isaiah 41 went well. When God says that he holds us up with His right Hand and that He holds our right hand, it indicates that He gives us His strength and power. Also, it can be a picture of a parent hold up a child by going behind them and holding their hands as he/she walks. Last night, I also had a chance to talk to a friend from church on the phone. We had some good sharing time and laughs. As I was talking to her, I was trying to figure out what it was about this year that made it particularly challenging. For most of the year, I've been feeling "burnt out"; but, it's not that I've been doing more than I have in the past. In fact, in past years, I've done more. Maybe it's my health. Maybe it's all just catching up with me. I just pray that God will grant me strength and renewal; and endurance to run this race. So, now is the start of a new week. I pray that God will be at work in and through me.

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