Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Evolution vs Intelligent Design

I was recently asked about my thoughts on Evolution vs Creationism..... In the past, the big debate was between Evolution vs Creationism. However, in more recent years, it would be more common to talk about Evolution vs Intelligent Design. The difference between Intelligent Design (ID) and Creationism is that ID can be treated as a science, and that while the evidence points to a Designer, ID does not identify who the Designer is, in order to focus only on the evidence, observations, and facts. Creationism, on the other hand, starts with the Genesis account and, of course, identifies God as the Creator; which does include faith. So, by its focus on just the evidence and its adherence to the scientific process, Intelligent Design should be able to used for teaching in schools, as an alternative along with Evolution. While micro-evolution (evolution within a species) can be observed in nature, and would be accepted, even by Christians; the issue is with macro-evolution (evolution across species). Data and evidence, such as fossil records do NOT support macro-evolution. So, in science, when the data and evidence do not support a theory, we generally need to go back to the theory and revise it to match the evidence. However, with evolution, the academic world has elevated it to the point where it has become a philosophy or belief system, so they dogmatically hold onto Darwinian Evolution and refuse to consider any alternatives, such as Intelligent Design. The complexities we see in life systems actually show that the probability of everything happening by chance or random changes due to evolution are impossible, but, on the other hand, support the ID view. For Christians, the ID view is additionally consistent with what we know to be true, when we do recognize that the Designer is God. When I see the beauty and the order in nature, it makes sense to me that it is a reflection of the Designer. Knowing that He lovingly created the universe to make it possible to have life on Earth adds meaning and purpose; whereas the Evolutionary view that everything happened by chance and random process implies an impersonal world that has no basis for morality or ethics.

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